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Through the Jupiter Line found on the forehead, one can know about the eating habits, Honesty, Morality, Discipline, Cleanliness, Discrimination, Spirituality, Self-Contemplation, Knowledge, faith, Worship, Upasana etc.

1. If there’s a curved line on one or both sides under the Jupiter line on the forehead of a person, then this indicates Troubles of health.

2. If the Jupiter line drops in between, forms a V and then again gets straight, then such a person spends a lot of wealth in his Life.

3. If a Jupiter line divided into two, then such a person faces financial troubles and is unpeaceful at heart.

4. If the Jupiter line is without breaks and clear, then such a person is honest, Controlled, Knowledgeable, and meditator.

5. If the Jupiter line is slant, with breaks, Then such a person doesn’t have undiscipline and baksha-baksh discrimination.

6. If there’s a Triangle forming under the Jupiter Line and above the Sun Line, Then such a person attains divine Powers.

7. If above the Sun Line, a small Snake-like line cuts the Jupiter Line, then such a person attains Great Sidhhi. Such a person marriage life is a failure.

8. If there’s circle formed on the Jupiter Line towards the Sun Line, Then such a person falls victim to worldly sorrows and full of illusions.

9. If the Jupiter Line is small, Mars line is deep, Saturn Line is slant and broken on the lower part, Sun Line is broken from the middle and slant, then such a person is a fool, nuisance, Cheat, indulgent, hard natured and fights a lot.

3. Mars Line

One can know about Courage, work-success, cowardness, Aggression, Social-work etc from the Mars line of a person found on the forehead.

1. If the Mars Line on the forehead is broken in parts or damaged, then such a person is has lack of courage and might face secret enemies.

2. If there are branches going towards the Sun line from the Mars Line or cuts the Sun Line , Then such a person faces financial troubles.

3. If the Mars Line is in The middle of the forehead or is small, then such a person faces financial troubles.

4. If there’s a straight or reverse line going towards the Sun Line towards the Mars Line, then such a person is soon attracted towards a good Job or Business and succeeds.

5. If the Mars Line is long and without flaws and thick, then it makes a person strong, Soldier, Courageous by nature.

6. If the Mars Line is wavy, also if Saturn line is wavy and there’s a club mark between both of them, then such a person is mentally affected, and inclined to suicide due to depression.

7. If the Mars Line is slant, flawed, Broken, then such a person is unsuccessful in maximum areas and there are obstacles in his ways.

8. If the Mars Line is straight and clear, then such a person is successful in all his works because there’s ample of courage in him.

9. If the Mars and Saturn line are broken in the middle, Jupiter line is dropping between both of them, then such a person is rich, far-sighted and fortunate. If the Saturn and Jupiter Lines are broken and meet each-other, then this unlucky, in such case, a person ruins his own life.

10. If the Mars Line is dropping towards the moon line and there’s a mole on it, Saturn line is long and deep, Jupiter Line is short, then such a person is hard and aggressive heart’s owner.

11. If the Mars Line is short, Jupiter Line is slant, Saturn line is straight, then such a person is fortunate.

12. If the Mars line is broken in the middle, Sun Line is long, then such a person is rich, charitable, kind, and intelligent. Such people give joy to many others.

